Catherine McAuley Society
The Catherine McAuley Society is a women’s philanthropic group supporting the fundraising efforts of the Friends of Mercy Foundation. Members continue the incredible legacy of Catherine McAuley, Foundress of Mercy Hospital’s founding congregation — Sisters of Mercy. Her selfless acts of kindness, generosity and commitment to those less fortunate is what makes her legacy so special and what inspires our members to continue to support our fundraising efforts. As a member of the Catherine McAuley Society you will have the opportunity to follow in her footsteps and impact our community in a positive way.
Membership in the Catherine McAuley Society requires a $1,000 gift each year you are a member. Members are invited to two hosted luncheons over a twelve-month period and as a group vote to direct 100% of society funds to the Mercy Hospital project that is most meaningful to them.
Would you like to become a member of this women's philanthropic group supporting the fundraising efforts of the Friends of Mercy Foundation? Join now and pay via credit card by clicking the “Donate Now” button. You can also send in your donation of $1,000 to the Friends of Mercy Foundation at PO Box 119, Bakersfield CA 93302 or contact FriendsofMercy@DignityHealth.org or (661) 663-6700.
Since this group's founding in 2005, more than $2,100,000 has been raised in support of: |
- Rapid Infuser - The Belmont rapid infuser is able to provide reliable, high-speed delivery of rapidly warmed blood products and fluids to the mother’s circulatory system as soon as possible. These rapid infusers are simple, safe, effective and are the best to use to help us warm and replace blood products effortlessly.
- Ligasure - During a surgical hemorrhage or procedures, the physician can use this device to fuse vessels and stop bleeding quicker than they could if they had used sutures (stiches) to stop blood vessels from bleeding.
- Epidural Chair - The epidural chair is used for positioning patients safely and securely during epidural procedures and spinals while allowing the nurses to have better access to the fetal heart tones during these procedures in an effort to maximize fetal safety.
- Giraffe Warmer - a specialized crib that allows staff to care for the baby without having to move them, eliminating pain and discomfort for the little ones. It also provides the optimum environment for the baby, offering thermal stability, protection from sound and light and protection from “nuisance touch”, and promotion of positive touch and handling.
- Trident HD Specimen Radiography System - innovative equipment located in the operating room when a surgeon is doing lumpectomy and breast tissue conserving treatment. The equipment can immediately verify the excised tissue to ensure the margins are clear. There is no need to transport the specimen to another room for imaging, which means additional procedure time. This not only improves the workflow in the OR but more importantly, results in fewer patients needing to have repeat surgeries.
- Advanced VDR-4 ventilators used to care for our sickets patients in which regular ventilators are unable to support.These devices offer an additional option for the Intensive Care Unit physicians and respiratory staff for patients who are not progressing on conventional ventilators. In many cases, they can a higher level of respiratory support to those who are most critical, specifically those suffering from respiratory related illnesses. Mercy's Angel Baby Program, providing care, comfort and assistance to families who have experience an infant loss.
- Breast Cancer treatment in the form of an Intraoperative Radiation Therapy device, which delivers focused radiation to a patient during the resection surgery. For appropriate breast cancer patients, this 20-30 minute treatment replaces the traditional radiation schedule of 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Additionally, it leaves the skin intact, creating a more normal looking breast post-surgery. We will be the only hospital between San Francisco and LA to have this treatment option.
- Advanced retina scanning technology that is key to maintaining optimal eye health in the most vulnerable of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit patients
- Blue Light Cystoscopy System to enhance the detection and management of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer – this unit is the only of its kind between Los Angeles and Fresno; and a Microtome used to diagnose many conditions including early stages of cancer
- Advanced equipment used to treat patients suffering from cardiac arrest and pneumonia
- Breast MRI to assist with the early detection of breast cancer
- 4D Echocardiogram used in the diagnosis of heart disease
- Sleeper chairs and sofas providing comfort to our patients and families
- Upgrades to operating rooms primarily used for cancer related surgeries
- Specialized technology for monitoring and treating Mercy’s tiniest patients
- State-of-the-art ultrasound to detect cancerous tumors; and heart defects in babies
- Skin ulcer prevention equipment to better treat elderly and bed-ridden patients
- Lifesaving training equipment for Mercy’s caregivers
- Nursing scholarships for single parents
For recent and past luncheon photos, please visit the Friends of Mercy Facebook page.
2023-2024 Catherine McAuley Society Members
*Charter Member, †Deceased
Maureen Andrew Antonette S. Anich* Rosemary Anspach* Kathyrine Balfour Sandy Banducci* Olivia Bantz Marie Batey Rosemary Bidart Lynda Bittleston Annie P. Boehning, NP Michele Borel Amy Brown Alissa Buckey* Sharon Bush* Georgia Camp Bell Karrie Camp Pat Campbell* Debbie Cappello* Naida Carlton Kaye M. Cartnal Sylvia Cattani* Susan Cerri-Buck Jennice M. Cerrina Julie Cesare Michelle Chantry Becky Clark Terri Collins Kathy Crettol Sarah Crowley Candace Cummings Lisa de Pencier Joan Dezember* Fern DiNicola* Joyce Downs Jennifer Boylan Drake Lori Dreyer Simona Dulcich Kristina Elholm-Spitzer Cherilee Ezell Gina Fanucchi Kimberly Fiorini Melissa Fortune Marilyn H. Fowler Judy Franconi* Jan Froehlich Sheila Fry Sheryl Gallion Kathy Gargan Catherine Gay Jan Glinn
Keri M. Gless Carol Grumbles Mary Hagerson Liz Haley Toni Harper Catherine Haupt Jane Haupt Mikie Hay* Lauren Helper Kathy Hill Beth Hoffmann Patricia Houchin Christine Icardo Cynthia Icardo Lisa Jacoby Nancy H. K. Johnson Cindy Jones Germaine Kimm Lisa King Pam Klassen Karen Krausse-Roesle Valerie Lallo Dee Ann Lantz* Marianne Laxague Patty MacGuire Lesa Mackessy Mary Mazzei* Ronda Mazzei Louise McCarthy Theresa McNally Cynthia M. Meek Mary Ann Mulkay Lily Nahama Marjorie Nixon Cheryl Palla Carolyn Camp Pandol Beth Pandol Mona Pankey* Barbara Patrick Jacqueline Powell, MD Mary C. Richardson Monique Roberts Linda Rojas Chris Romanini Victoria Ross-Sanford Alexis Roy Barbara Sandrini* Jolene Schoneveld Joellyn Schroeder Donna Sharp
Sandi Shepherd Marcie Soper Karen Stanley Diane C. Sullivan Donna Toretta Jane Uhalt* Marilynn Unruh Lynn Ward Kathy Wells Katie Werdel Sue Williams Sharla Wind Agnes Wu, MD Dominique Zaninovich Tammie Zaninovich* Theo Zaninovich
Honorary Members Sister Cris Caballero Sister Sherry Dolan Sister Judy Morasci* Sister Mary Hope Sanchez Stephanie Weber*
Memorial Members† Marcelle Ansolabehere* Patty Bass Frankie Berchtold Doreen Boylan-Abrams* Bebe Burke Beverly Camp Jacqueline Coppola Adel M. Durando* Patricia Eagleson* Sister Josie Gonzales* Yolanda Griffiths* Ann Hine Ruth Ann Montgomery* Margaret Philippe Patty Plank* Joan Pracy Arlene J. Roland Judith Schwebel* Florence Schroeder* Mary Lou Thomson Jane Toller* Joan Wallace Caroline West