Butterfly Release
The 5th Annual Mercy Hospital Butterly Release took place on March 31, 2015 at 5:30 pm in the Garden at Mercy Hospital Southwest. The location is a unique one of its kind garden on our hospital campus and serves as a beautiful place that brings comfort and peace to patients, their families, visitors and staff.
The release was created to help families honor the life of a loved one they had lost. This year's release benefitted Mercy's Angel Baby Program and all funds raised will help provide families with specialized keepsakes, such as clay footprints, gowns and blankets; bereavement materials designed specifically to help cope with loss; and provide a resting place for the smallest of our Angel Babies.
Following a brief ceremony, those in attendance had the opportunity to release a butterfly. This small action serves as a thoughtful and oftentimes, emotional experience as participants remember a loved one. The Friends of Mercy Foundation want to extend this invitation to you for future Butterfly Releases to help celebrate the life of someone you loved and lost.
All are welcome.